In the begging the song was shared, within another memory before record was translated into paper and ink. instruments were fleshed out of bodies, fibrous beings moving inwards and outwards at the same time,
the musical body looked just like you or me /
if we gathered into an interlocking structure .nolonger recognising ourselvespresentingasoneandoneisthe same.
replicating in the meshworld, bone and protein are components of wiring technologies found in the trace of all things. refractional difference is overturned. kersalmoor was there: only if you try to remember something has become lost.
phonetic-structures of moss synthesised and unfurled; the people of the planet:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::drank. i do know, so i listen.
the moorland.language runs deep in the fiction of Britain's past. a site of drenchy, squelchy land that turns in on itself, that harvests particularities.
iam writing from the world held in captive, our precious hours.
hours are a signal to a kind of time-line of succesion /
it is a trap.
i hope to find a new kind of meaning, in the hallucinatory reflection into the early momentds, of what happened before, before the end. is happening now in the land of forgotten empire. although much much before.
here, in the place where the world is held in captive, we seperate types of communication into their material states, nets and webs.
vocal technoligies are emmerging all the time, although we call them aids, and different from one another, an emmerging found through the slow development of terror in the electronic landscape, by slow i mean long, arduous, something that explodes often as violence does in briTain.
auto-tune was aroused, as a sister of mimicry, of masking.
i hear the infinte loopsof loops of sound
mimic minetic, mimicry
materilising throughout time,
raising upwards, non electronically, in the ancient lands,
auto-tune remains the same.
our bodies did not ignore, that seperation is based in myth.
this is a timeframe of effectual sounds and the way that they are stored for living memory. in stasis in flux. ]
when we think about, when we think about kin producing kin
the world as singular acts, something horrible is encountered, that bleeding is the same, everywhere as drinking.
singular acts are too relliant and co-dependent.
familial discussion, disolves and deforms no methods of claim as we live in tendrilled compnay, cross species.
i absord the other world, through means of sensory after affects. in the discolation of our circular time. our circular lives.
the space for sirens,
out of nature, as a system of punishment, imperial hoards and harvests
even now, what you look at the form of this text, is embedded into the mannor of reason, birthed out of this system,
although non concrete or absoloute
accumilated damage.
i appoligise for the lack of any such language. and cirtiise myself for only speaking inenglish
english- a model of object relations
our site of study is the moor, and for this reason, i must say this will not be a very nice story. as we explore the voice together, found through things lost, stored and sensed.